I'm done filming (mostly)! Earlier this week I was able to capture a lot of B-roll of my subject, Tasha, hanging out with their friends at school as well as footage of them scrolling through pictures and doing research. In this post, I am going to detail how that experience went and what is still to come.
As mentioned in my first filming update blog post, I decided I was going to film on Thursday which is exactly what I did. I went to the classroom during my break period and filmed whatever B-roll I needed. I got them looking at pictures of them with friends from middle school to show the old memories, and I got them looking at websites like The Trevor Project to show that they are educated about their identity (the article is linked here). I also got footage of them talking and laughing with friends, even some that are a part of the LGBTQIA+ community to show the bond they have with people in the community. After school, I also got footage of them walking the halls both with friends and by themselves. In their interview they talk a lot about being with their friends and how their relationship impacts their identity so a lot of footage with their friends is important. All of the B-roll I captured is important to elevate and provide depth to my documentary.
The reason I say I'm mostly done filming is because I feel like I need more rounded footage from different locations with different people so it stays engaging with its continued variety. I also want to show more of Tasha's day-to-day life to enhance the theme and message of the documentary. I have just started editing and putting the interview together. As I edit, I am going to put the B-roll together in the appropriate places and assess what else I need to make it more complete. I am going to talk about this in more detail in my next post detailing my editing process, but as I was putting the interview together and cutting what was unnecessary, the entire interview came out to three minutes and forty seconds which is a minute and twenty seconds too short. By filming more B-roll and showing more of Tasha's life, I can show more of what the documentary would become.
As mentioned, I began editing and may continue to film some footage periodically if necessary but for the most part, the filming is complete. Putting the project together is so exciting and I can't wait to update on what happens next!
“To be yourself is truly a revolutionary act, and I think more and more people should try it, because it’s gotten me a pretty cool life.”
- Lena Waithe
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