Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Editing Update Pt. 2

 I’ve finished editing (mostly)! Let me explain. Because I am currently on spring break, I was going to use  the time I had to edit my documentary, which is what I did. Once I finished, I was going to show my friends and peers to provide feedback and make the necessary changes that they suggest because I know it’s not perfect. So while my documentary is pretty much finished, there are still small edits to make that will make the excerpt better than what it is now. 

While it’s established that I finished the main editing for my excerpt, let me detail what else I did to do so. I started from where I left off, adding the B-Roll. With my new technique of downloading the clips directly from my iCloud, I had no issues with the clips being discolored or taking too long to edit. I added a few more clips, and that part was done. However, because I had changed the sequence and render settings of the entire project, the color was a bit too bright for the other angle of Tasha’s interview but the fix was easy and didn’t cause me too many problems. I was able to adjust it to look seamless from the main angle of the interview. 

After that, I added the title cards for each interviewee. I added their name, age, and pronouns and made sure all the information was correct. Once I confirmed it with all of the different subjects, I moved on to the music. I’m going to be honest, I didn’t like the way the documentary flowed with the music. Maybe it was the songs I picked out or the piece itself but I ended up not including it. I am however, going to ask my friends and peers that critique my piece if they feel it needs music. If they say it does, I will look for a different song that fits the piece and include it. 

My entire editing timeline

That was all I had to do, so it’s pretty much done! While editing had its up and downs, I’m pretty happy with how it turned out. Although I don’t think it’s perfect and could be refined more, I think my excerpt is solid and portrays the necessary themes and messages that I set out to highlight in the documentary. 

“Owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing we’ll ever do.” 

- Brené Brown

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Project Components

 I am proud to present...We Are Young: Here & Queer! Documentary