Saturday, March 23, 2024

Editing Update Pt.1

 I’ve now moved my main focus of the project to editing! I have been editing for almost two days straight and while I am getting results, I am having a lot more technical issues than I originally anticipated. This post is going to detail my editing process thus far; what I have done and what’s left. 

The editing process started off smoothly after a couple of snags in the road. My flash drive (which I have been using since seventh grade) finally gave out on me, so the progress I had made editing Tasha’s interview had to be scrapped because I was unable to add or save anything to it. It was also becoming harder to work with, so I started over. This wasn’t that much of a major setback so it was okay. I put the interview back together made the necessary cuts, which didn’t take that long, and began working on the other interviews. I uploaded them to the project, then got to work cutting them down and arranging them in a cohesive order. This took quite a bit of time as I had to keep rearranging them so the answers made sense and looked clear. Once I finished that, and the main part of editing was done, I felt good about how the project was turning out and confident that maybe I would finish editing quicker than I expected. Then the B-roll happened.

Importing the B-roll into my project has been a struggle. Almost all of my B-roll footage looked too bright. Obviously, I couldn’t reshoot most of it, but I did reshoot some of it. The shots that I got in the classroom at school were pretty much unusable. The lighting is horrible both on Premiere Pro and on my phone, so I went to Tasha’s to quickly reshoot the footage of them individually such as, them looking at middle school photos and researching asexuality. I am also going to reshoot the shot of their family photos because that too, is unusable. Because most of my B-roll came out too bright, I used the internet as a guide but it didn't do much. I’ve had issues with lighting in my footage like this before but never on this scale with so many clips. With help from the internet, I have adjusted some of the sequence and render settings which have helped somewhat but not a whole lot. I thought I had to adjust the settings on every single clip and with rendering each clip taking twenty minutes, I was really struggling and morale was not high. That was until I solved the problem. 

I started thinking more about how I've had lighting issues for footage before but never with so many at once and how only certain footage looked bad. I then thought of how I downloaded them onto my computer. My iCloud storage was full so I sent them to myself on iMessage and then saved them to a Google Drive. Sending them through iMessage compressed them too much and made them look bad, so I bought more iCloud storage and downloaded them directly from there. This completely solved the issue. I wanted to jump for joy I was so happy. I could now edit efficiently and productively. I had to make up for lost time and am almost done (I mean it this time) adding all to B-roll the correct spaces and times. After that, I have to add text, and music, and create a title graphic. Hopefully, now that my main problems are resolved, I can continue to edit in a timely manner.

A photo of my project timeline so far

“The richness, beauty, and depths of love can only be fully experienced in a climate of complete openness, honesty, and vulnerability.” 

- Anthony Venn Brown

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