Saturday, March 30, 2024

Starting the Print Component

 Now that most of my editing is complete and I am continuously working on my social media page, I want to begin work on the print component of my project. As mentioned in previous blog posts, the print component for the documentary excerpt is a magazine spread. In my research about the magazine spread (linked here), I talked about what ideas I had for my own spread. In this blog posts, I am going to being to bring those ideas to life. 

I started looking on a creation platform that I am very comfortable with and that was recommended for me to use by my advisor Mrs. Stoklosa. This platform is called Canva. With Canva, you can pretty much create anything from posters, instagram posts, flyers, and even magazine covers and spreads. Canva has templates for your various projects so, I began to look for magazine spread templates. I found two that I liked, both for fashion magazines. I liked the placement of photos and text for both so I combined each page to create my two page spread. I rearranged some of the text and photos for the second page to add a large quote and more photos which will make my spread more varied while still having conventions of a typical magazine spread. 

This is the template I chose for the first page of the spread

This is the template I chose for the second page of the spread

My next step is to look for photos. Because I am choosing to do a topic-focused magazine spread, most of the pictures are going to be of the subjects in my documentary excerpt. I also want to include pictures of pride flags and people waving them around proudly. Because I have not written the story yet, this is subject to change as the pictures will reflect what is being told but this is the general idea I have. I would also like for the spread to include a lot of color because rainbows are a big symbol of the LGBTQIA+ community. Creating this spread will tie my entire project together and will enhance the message of my documentary which is telling queer stories and uplifting LGBTQIA+ voices. 

“I believe all Americans who believe in freedom, tolerance, and human rights have a responsibility to oppose bigotry and prejudice based on sexual orientation.” 
— Coretta Scott King

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Project Components

 I am proud to present...We Are Young: Here & Queer! Documentary